What if being vegan was easy?

What if you could eat wholesome meals without feeling like a full-time cook?

What if you could choose healthy vegan food without breaking the bank?

What if you could stop your cheese addiction once and for all?

What if you could seamlessly rock a vegan lifestyle even if you live "in the middle of nowhere" or your family refuses to eat vegan, too?

What if you could make nutritious food choices confidently without second-guessing yourself and getting confused by all the conflicting information?

Maybe you... 

  • Feel like a failure when you’ve tried to go vegan in the past. 
  • Feel alone because you are the only one in your family making this change. 
  • Just can’t get over those cheese and meat cravings and you feel disappointed in yourself. 
  • Just don’t get the nutrition aspect and you feel hungry and tired all the time
  • Maybe being vegan just feels hard.

You may have wasted a lot of time, money, and stress trying to be the “perfect vegan”.

The result is a lot of reaching for foods you don’t actually want, feeling lonely in your attempts, and frustration at yourself for not getting it right.

The result is giving up, then giving it another go, then losing steam again and feeling like you just can’t go vegan because of your circumstances.

But guess what. While going vegan may be a challenge, being vegan is a breeze. You absolutely can transition to a fully vegan lifestyle without the heartache, and you can make this change for good

Hi, I'm Hannah,

lifestyle vlogger, mother of one, and fifteen-year vegan. I've been through it all when it comes to living a vegan lifestyle: extreme diets, non-vegan husband, non-vegan family, full-time work life as a teacher, full-time college student, traveling to various continents, choosing vegan “in the middle of nowhere,” cheese addiction, etc. I am asked constantly about how to live a vegan lifestyle, so I put everything I have learned into this digital course. I want to share with you all the hurdles and how to overcome them. I am passionate about this lifestyle because it brings me healing, life, energy, joy, and big-ass bowls full of plant goodness every single day. I am so grateful for such an abundant lifestyle!

“Vegan for Good” is a self-paced 100% online program to hold your hand and get you to your vegan goals:

  • To create meals that make you feel good all day long
  • To feel confident in your lifestyle choices
  • To break your cheese and junk food addictions
  • To go grocery shopping without spending hours reading labels
  • To understand your gut and digestion health
  • To eat to satisfaction without an extreme diet
  • To break free from your circumstances you think are holding you back

This guide includes…

  • Building vegan meals that sustain you
  • Transitioning for long term success
  • Living with food freedom while choosing vegan
  • Minimal meal prepping to save maximum time and money
  • Understanding your cravings once and for all
  • Living vegan and still being social

Upon enrollment, you’ll have immediate access to all the course content:

  • Video/audio lessons with vibrant slide decks
  • Full transcript so you can follow along and reference later
  • Accompanying workbook with correlating worksheets
  • Recipe ebook with 20 staple wholesome vegan recipes for daily meals
  • Metric and US measurements for recipes
  • Sample 7-day meal plan to get you started
  • Detailed vegan grocery shopping list
  • Private access to members-only group
  • And a helluva lot of support and encouragement from yours truly

Here’s a look at the curriculum:

  Module 1: The Transition
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #2 Educate Yourself
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #3 The Scoop on Plant-Based Nutrition
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #4 Food Freedom While Vegan
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #5 Reimagine Your Plate
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #6 Eat Enough, Feel Satisfied, and Stay Trim
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #7 Cheese, tho!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #8 So Your Family or Partner isn't Vegan...
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #9 No Time to Cook: A Conversation on Convenience
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #10 Vegan on a Shoestring
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #11 Location, location, location
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #12 Meal Prepping to Save Time
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #13 Meal Planning to Stay on Track
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #14 How to Respond to Questions and Criticisms
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #15 Socializing, Restaurants, and What Your Friends Will Think
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #16 Cravings? Temptations? How to Deal
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #17 Digestion: Happy Tummy, Happy Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #18 How to Read Food Labels
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #19 How to grocery shop
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module #20 Other Pieces to Wellness
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

Choose a Pricing Option

"Vegan for Good" is a self-paced 100% online program to hold your hand and get you to your vegan goals:

To create meals that make you feel good all day long

To feel confident in your lifestyle choices

To break your cheese and junk food addictions

To go grocery shopping without spending hours reading labels

To understand your gut and digestion health

To eat to satisfaction without an extreme diet

To break free from the circumstances you think are holding you back.


How long does this course take?

This is a 100% online, self-paced program. You can go as fast or as slow as you want! However, because there is so much important information packed into each module, I personally recommend taking the video lessons one day at a time and going through it more slowly to let all the information set in. 

Is there a community aspect?

Yes! You can access the private community via my website. No social media account is required. You just need the password, which will be given to you via email upon enrollment.

Is this a subscription-based video course?

No this isn't a subscription based service. Once you have paid in full, you will have life time access to the course material and ebook.

Can I get a physical copy of the course in book form?

We are not offering any paperback options in an effort to cut down on physical products being created. The ebook and workbook are delivered in a PDF form so you can print off pages at home or have the book printed and bound at a local copy center like Staples or FedEx Kinkos. I have not added any unnecessary images in the workbook, so it is very printer friendly.

I went vegan a few years ago but stopped. Now I’m ready to try again. Is this course for me?

Most definitely! There is a reason you stopped your vegan lifestyle, right? This course is specifically designed to go vegan for life. You will be able to identify why you stopped and then you’ll have the tools to stay vegan for good this time.

What is your refund policy?

Since you will have immediate access to the Vegan for Good course videos and downloadable materials, we cannot issue refunds. If you have any questions not answered here before you purchase, please email [email protected] to inquire. We are happy to assist you!

I am already vegan. Will I still benefit from this course?

Yes! First, some questions. How long have you been vegan? Do you feel like everything has clicked? Are you eating mostly processed foods or do you want to learn how to eat whole plant foods? Do you feel confident and at ease in this lifestyle choice? Do you still have questions, doubts, or fears? Do you struggle with the social aspect? Do you struggle with what to eat to feel your best? Having enough energy? Understanding nutrition and gut health? 

If these are struggles for you, I do recommend enrolling. Many people go vegan for a few months or even a couple years. But this course will help you stay vegan for life.

I am gluten-free. Will the recipes in this course work for me?

Yes! None of the recipes require gluten or wheat ingredients.

I have a soy allergy. Will the recipes in this course work for me?

Yes! Only two recipes call for soy products (tofu). One is a tofu scramble and mashed chickpeas can easily replace it. And the other is baked peanut tofu, and you can easily include beans or lentils instead. Email [email protected] or ask in the community page for ideas on how to swap out soy products in vegan recipes.

What currency are the prices in?

All prices on the site are in USD. If you're purchasing internationally, the price you pay may be more or less depending on the currency rates.

What people are saying:

"I just wanted you to know how much of an impact you've had in my life--in the best way possible! I have taken your course and gone 100% into learning about a WFPB diet. I would say I'm about 80% there, but when I get down on days that I wasn't 80% vegan, I just hear you in my head cheering me on and pull up my boot straps to do better moving forward. As a gal living in North Dakota being a vegan/eating WFPB is a bit of a freak show, but the benefits have been significant--in just 3 months. Today I stepped on the scale for the first time since January and I've lost 14.6lbs. All I've changed is eating a WFPB/vegan diet (I would say 80% of the time--I'll get there!). I feeeeeelllll so amazing and I can't believe I am just learning about this at 42 yrs old! Thank you! Know your work matters and I deeply appreciate you!"

What people are saying:

"Your outlook and approach to the WFPB lifestyle is both beautiful and inspiring. The “Staples” recipe book is extremely helpful, as it provides a simple how-to guide that proves how plant-based meals don’t have to be hard/complex to be delicious. Most importantly, I never felt satisfied with any meals for the prior two years attempting to transition to WFPB. But after going through the course, I came to understand why and how to set up my plate in order to feel satiated with every meal! What I never expected was how much of an emotional impact the course would have on me. Anytime I feel overwhelmed, I go back to the modules. I probably listen to Module #4 almost every day as I am working on overcoming a long-held fear of food (after many years of major digestive issues). This course is such a wonderful guide and toolkit for anyone who’s feeling lost or frustrated, trying to not only go vegan but FIND JOY in going vegan for good!"

What people are saying:

"I’ve been vegetarian for 20 yrs or so but going vegan felt impossible because of my cheese addiction. I love cheese and it feels so French to me. Hannah and her course taught me so much. It’s not about restricting yourself of the things “you can’t eat.” It’s about embracing all the things you can that also don’t hurt my stomach (cheese never made me feel good)." -Keslie 

What people are saying:

"Going vegan has often felt a bit daunting. I want to be the healthiest version of myself—and I feel amazing eating whole plant foods—but big lifestyle changes aren't easy. Making new choices around food when spending time with friends and family or eating out doesn't always happen naturally, especially at first. I've found some of the seemingly easiest tasks, like going grocery shopping, to be some of the most difficult. What do I buy? How much do I buy? Will I actually make that at home? Meal planning and prep for the week have been challenging and have felt time consuming. Hannah's tips, grocery lists, and staple recipes are a game changer. Her course is laid out beautifully and gives you the tools and support to make changes that stick. I feel more equipped to make healthy plant-based meals that work for me. The biggest relief: her reassurance that this isn't a perfect process, and that's okay. Eating food that truly fuels your body and mind is an act of love, which is what really matters. This course is the guide to doing just that." - Katie

What people are saying:

"I have been struggling to go completely vegan for the last year and I’ve been dreaming of becoming vegan for the last 10 years. I live in a cold climate where I do not know a single person who is vegan. When Hannah announced her new course, I knew my heart needed it. I bought the course and couldn’t stop listening to it. I wanted to soak in as much as I could and as quickly as I could. Hannah teaches in a way that calmed and prepared me to handle situations during my vegan for good transformation. I love that she touches on being able to do this in a cold climate. I am a mother of two young girls and I can’t wait to teach them all that I’ve learned. I’m so grateful to have these helpful tools whenever I need them. This course touches on many different areas that I’ve struggled with and it felt good to know I wasn’t alone with those struggles. Hannah’s course gave me the confidence I needed in my abilities." - Amy